“If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint', then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.” Vincent van Gogh
How can I help?
Good question.
​Through therapeutic one to one coaching and group workshops, I can help you to explore your creativity, figure out what's preventing you from being as creative as you'd like to be and help you to release those blocks, so that you can let your creativity flow freely.
Our work can both help you now, and will empower you to help yourself going forward, as our creativity naturally comes and goes, for a variety of reasons, I think. (Please disagree with me if it's different for you, as I'd love to hear about your experiences!)
There are also individual retreats for anyone who is suffering from burnout and they are tailor-made to give you whatever you need to heal.
Who can I help?
Anyone who's interested in more creativity.
You might be someone who is used to being creative, but you are feeling stuck, blocked, disillusioned, frustrated or uninspired.
Or you might be burnt out, creatively or otherwise.
You might use your creativity professionally in the arts sector or creative industries, but you may have fallen out of love with it, no longer feel like yourself, have become overwhelmed with the pressure of having to meet deadlines and produce your contracted number of albums (or novels or films etc), are fed up with not having enough resources, have run out of ideas, are feeling the pressure of being in the public eye or are feeling completely disconnected from what you do and are grieving that loss. You might need help with imposter syndrome or performance anxiety. Or it maybe that there is one particular project that you just can't seem to get going on.
Or it might be that you are someone with a creative itch to scratch, that perhaps you've always believed that you're not creative, or can't be, or that it's not for you, but you've reached a point where you'd like to start exploring what creativity does mean to you (we're all different).
How can releasing your creativity help?
There are so many ways that creativity can help us. Here's a few ideas and you will, I'm sure, have others to add to this list.
It can help us lead a more happy, fulfilled and enjoyable life, in which we are able to express ourselves.
It can both connect us to our drive and passion, as well as peace and contentment.
It give us increased resilience and flexibility for the more challenging moments.
It can give us an outlet to express our emotions, and process them.
It can help us to clarify how we see the world, and equally, it can help us to see our lives and the world from a different perspective.
Our creativity can help us both feel connected to others and improve our connection to ourselves.
Embracing our creativity can help us problem solve and come up with new ideas and solutions.
Using our imagination can be stimulating and a joy in itself, and then creating something out of those imaginings can help us feel more confident, purposeful, autonomous, as well as more fulfilled, more joyous.
It can help us to make changes.
It can help us with our resilience and to get through times of difficulty and pain.​
It can help bring meaning to our lives and can challenge us at times, enabling us to appreciate what we have, whilst also helping us to to expand our horizons.
Connecting and engaging with creativity can bring us so much joy, inspiration and wonder, whether it's our creativity or someone else's.
Creativity can enable personal growth and self discovery, and can help us to live authentically and autonomously.
We can get absorbed in our creativity and enter into a "flow" state.
Creativity can feel transcendent at times, taking us out of the ordinary and sometimes, for some, to a spiritual space.
It can be artistic in its form and it can also be technological or scientific, individual or collaborative.
And it can be so much fun, bringing out the playfulness in us!
It can also make every day activities more enjoyable.
What do I mean by "blocks" to creativity?
As much as creativity can bring so many benefits, I'm not claiming that it is all plain sailing! Our blocks can take many forms, so here is a selection. Ironically, some of the very issues that are blocking us, can equally be eased by being creative:
Imposter syndrome and self doubt.
Negative messaging, shame and self criticism, especially around whether or not you're creative, or whether you're "good enough".
Pressure and stress, such as feeling like you have to live to other people's expectations of you or that you have to achieve the impossible. Or it might be other pressures, such as personal or financial.
Feeling inhibited and restricted.
Anxiety in many forms, such as performance anxiety.
Feeling disillusioned, flat or lost.
We may feel stuck, limited or stifled in some way.
Perfectionism, fear of making mistakes or failing, and shame.
Feeling disconnected from ourselves or others.
An overwhelming need for external validation.
Practical issues, such as time and resource management or finances
Mental and physical health problems in general.
Whatever your situation, and whatever your blocks are, I would very much like to see if my work might benefit you and help you find your mojo again. Or indeed, find it for the first time.